The Love Scam, a 2025 Netflix film, is a heartwarming Italian romantic comedy that follows the story of two brothers from Naples who are struggling financially. To save their beloved family home, they hatch a plan to scam a wealthy heiress. However, their carefully laid scheme takes an unexpected turn when they fall for the heiress, complicating their plans and leading to a series of hilarious and heartwarming events.
The film features a talented cast, including Laura Adriani, Roberto De Francesco, and Loris De Luna, and is directed by Umberto Riccioni Carteni. It was released on Netflix on January 1, 2025, and has since become a fan favorite for its charming storyline, witty humor, and heartwarming portrayal of family and love.
The Love Scam Soundtrack List
An Introduction to … VERDI Rigoletto: Act III – David Timson
Act III of Verdi’s Rigoletto is one of the opera’s most dramatic and well-known sections. It includes the famous quartet Bella figlia dell’amore, where four characters express their conflicting emotions simultaneously.
The music in Act III of Verdi’s Rigoletto is among the most celebrated in the opera repertoire, featuring contrasting moods and some of Verdi’s most brilliant melodic writing.
Gianna Oh – DADA’ and Dashiki
Gianna Oh is a collaborative single released in 2021 by Italian artists Dashiki and DADA’. The track blends electronic dance rhythms with Italian lyrical elements, showcasing the unique styles of both artists.
The single is available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.
Ordinary Man – Eels
Ordinary Man is a track by the American rock band Eels, featured as the closing song on their 2009 album Hombre Lobo: 12 Songs of Desire.
The album, whose title translates to “werewolf” in Spanish, is a concept piece exploring themes of desire and longing. “Ordinary Man” encapsulates these themes, with lyrics expressing a yearning for simplicity and normalcy amidst complex emotions.
Praja Magia – Nu Genea
Praja Magia is a track by the Neapolitan duo Nu Genea, featured on their 2022 album Bar Mediterraneo.
The song blends elements of funk, disco, and folk music, reflecting the duo’s signature style that draws inspiration from Naples’ rich musical heritage.
The lyrics evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia for a magical beach paradise, expressing a desire to escape reality and immerse oneself in the beauty of the beach, where time seems to stand still and worries fade away.
“Amandoti” is a song originally by the Italian punk band CCCP Fedeli alla Linea, released in 1990. The track has been covered by various artists over the years, including Gianna Nannini and, more recently, by the artist SETTEMBRE.
SETTEMBRE’s rendition of “Amandoti” infuses the classic song with influences from his hometown, Naples, adding a unique flavor that blends nostalgia and melancholy. This version serves as a dedication to those who have departed, encapsulating a cry of longing amidst the vibrant Neapolitan cultural backdrop.