Back In Action Soundtrack (2025)

Back in Action is a high-energy American action-comedy film directed by Seth Gordon, starring Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz. The story follows two former CIA spies who are pulled back into a world of espionage when their secret identities are exposed. Filled with thrilling action and comedic moments, the movie features a blend of fast-paced music and adrenaline-pumping tunes to enhance its dynamic storyline.

Back In Action Soundtrack List

The Back in Action soundtrack features an eclectic mix of hip-hop, pop, and upbeat tracks, perfectly complementing the film’s blend of action and humor. The music sets the tone for the intense chase scenes and lighthearted banter between the characters. Here is a complete list of the soundtrack.

Here’s the table of the song titles and their respective artists:

Song TitleArtist(s)
Outta Da BlueSnoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Alus
Get AwayTony K
Bad EnergyReem
Timeless (with Playboi Carti)The Weeknd, Playboi Carti
Birds of a FeatherBillie Eilish
Lead the WayReem
VictoryTony K
Luther (with SZA)Kendrick Lamar, SZA
Die With A SmileLady Gaga, Bruno Mars
VillainTony K, Reem
Only OneReem
Right NowTony K
NEW DROPDon Toliver
Beautiful ThingsBenson Boone
IslandTony K
Too SweetHozier
No ProblemTony K
Lose ControlTeddy Swims
RacingTony K
MessyLola Young


The Back in Action soundtrack is available for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, and other major platforms.

About the Film

Released on January 17, 2025, Back in Action is an action-packed comedy film that follows two retired CIA spies as they return to the world of espionage. Directed by Seth Gordon, the movie stars Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz. Despite receiving mixed reviews for its predictable plot, the film became a commercial success on Netflix, attracting a large audience during its first week of release. The soundtrack helps amplify the film’s fun and high-energy atmosphere.

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